
Friday, March 23, 2012

Rational Equations

We have spent the majority of our time yesterday and today working on rational equations in class and for homework.  The worksheet we worked from is here (

We did a lot of work on the Mobi, but it was closed, unfortunately, before we could save.  There is some work on the Mobi page that we did in 4th period that can be helpful.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Graphing Rational Functions

I have posted on the Mobi page some of the work we did in Accelerated III and Math IV today.

Also, see under the Helpful Website page a link to some graph paper that you can print at home.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Midterm Review

The midterm exam for both Accelerated III and Math IV is tomorrow, Thursday, March 8.

I have posted on the Mobi page the worked out solutions to the review problems we had on the board for the Accelerated classes.  For the most part, this problems are just like what the Math 4 students will see as well, so feel free to look at them and study as well.

Do a great job tomorrow!