
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Test # 7 Review

This is the review we worked on in class today for the Test tomorrow over sequences and series.  Go all the way to the end for the answers.

The answers to the word problems are:

41) 121
42) 210
43) 1 048 575
44) 250 500

This is a link to the limit problems we worked on in Accelerated today.  The answers are at the end.

(Your poster will be worth 10 points instead of 5 if you turn in 2 completed worksheets from this unit on sequences and series)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sequence/Series Quiz Review

I left school without posting the extra series problems I said I would do.  Here's a couple of nice sets of problems from the web:

Just do problems 1 - 3, 6 - 8, & 11.

There are some nice problems at the bottom of this page.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Inverse Problems

2nd block asked for more problems practicing finding the inverse of a rational function.  This website has a link to some good problems to practice.  Click on the link: Inverse Rational Functions Worksheet

Rational Equations

Here's a page I found with some Power Point slides discussing rational equations.  Looks pretty neat!

More Graphing Practice!

Students in 1st block this morning asked for more graphing practice for rational functions.  This page has 10 more graphs.  There are two graphs with holes.  The answers are at the end.

Off on another tangent...

The unwritten bonus question on the next quiz (Friday for Math IV; Monday for Acc III) is "When is Mr. Lewis's birthday?"  You will need to write next to the answer where you saw this question...

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

More Rational Function Graphing Practice

Here's a nice website to practice graphing.  If you do it, practice # 1, 7, 9, 11, 15, 23, 25, & 27.

You will see that you can check your answers.

Bring these answers, and work, on your own paper by Friday, 11/8/2013, to receive some bonus points, but don't tell anyone....  This applies to all Mr. Lewis's classes (now and in the immediate future...).

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Excel Sheet

When I opened the Google Doc of the Excel page at home, it had this "=_xlfn.NORM.INV(RAND(),65,5)" in cell A1. When I deleted the "_xlfn." and the "." in between NORM and INV, it worked fine.

This is what A1 should have in it: =NORMINV(RAND(),65,5)
B1 should look like this: =A1-1.96*5/SQRT(30)
C1 should look like B1 except with a plus.

Of course, this is for a normal distribution, or for a means question. Remember, if you have a proportion, then the function was BININV or BINOMINV, I think.

Again, email or Tweet your questions.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Random Normal Distribution Example

Here is a Google Drive link to the example Excel sheet I showed in 1st block this morning.

To generate the random numbers I used NORMINV(RAND ( ), 65, 5).  I made up a mean of 65 and a standard deviation of 5.  Then I dragged down 100 cells.

To build the confidence intervals, I went to cell B1, typed in an equals sign, clicked on cell A1, then did a minus, 1.96 * my standard deviation, and then divided by SQRT (n).  

If you hold the cursor over any of the cells in Row 1 you will see what I typed in.

Email or Tweet me if you have questions.  Math IV projects are due Monday.

Accelerated Math 3 Practice Test Unit 1

Here are the answers to the review I gave 2nd & 4th Thursday and 1st on Friday, as best as I can type them in:

1) E
2) C
3) D
4) A
5) 0.4
6) 0.0126
7) 18.6
8) 1
9) 2.28 %
10) A
11) (7.02,8.98)
12) (146.71,153.29)
13) (65.7982,66.6018)
14) A
15) 99 %
16) 38 416
17) (199.9835,200.01645)
18) (61.9088,68.0912)
19) (100.4,108.24)
20) C

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Random Number Generator for Normal Distribution

This is a site Ms. Erwin and I found for finding random numbers using a normal distribution, in case your calculator does not do randNorm.  It will take a little working with, but it is nice.

Enter in your mean, your standard deviation, and choose 100 trials.  Make sure to click Y for displaying results in a table.

When I get home I will look at, which I think has to have some kind of normal distribution generator.

Amended: does have a normal distribution random number generator, which worked nice.  The problem I had with it was that it produced the answers in scientific notation, which is easy to get around.

I finally read the internet and figured out how to use Excel to serve this purpose, and it was beautiful.  I will provide a link to an example I did in 1st block in another post.

The command is NORMINV(RAND( ), mean, standard deviation).  It works beautifully and saves lots of time.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Math Team Schedule


Friday, 10/18: Math Madness Week # 1 Match during Titan Time, Math Lab

Tuesday, 10/22: Georgia Math League Contest # 1, 7:30 AM, Room 2209

Tuesday, 10/29: Math Team Meetings, 7:30/3:35, Room 2209

Also, look for us on Club Day!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Really funny jokes

The answers to the riddles from Friday are referenced below by Page Number:

26  Siene
27  Mugging
30  A Dead End
31  Aftermath
33  To Get A Boo-ster Shot

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Angle Sum & Difference

I put two problems on the board for students to practice in Accelerated III Tuesday.  I can't remember what questions I asked, so here's a whole bunch of answers.

For the problem on top:
sin(a+b) = -63/65
sin(a-b) = 33/65
cos(a+b) = -16/65
cos(a-b) = 56/65
sin(2a) = -24/25
sin(2b) = -120/169
cos(2a) = 7/25
cos(2b) = -119/169

For the problem on bottom, in the same order:
(3+4 root 3)/10
(3-4 root 3)/10
(3 root 3 - 4)/10
(3 root 3 + 4)/10
(root 3)/2

I may have made a mistake somewhere (I'm sitting in an impressive Robotics Club meeting).

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Math Team Meeting

The next Math Team meeting is posted under the Math Team tab over there on the right.

Accelerated 3 Test Review Problems

Here are the problems I am going to give out in class tomorrow to review for the Test in Accelerated III on Friday, plus some extra verifying problems.  (Math IV would get some benefit of working on these, too.)




What a neat website!

Check out this website for practice problems, with solutions.  Stuff for all classes, particularly you Math IV and Accelerated III students!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Yesterday, I was actually asked for Law of Sines problems!  So, here you go...

I will also try to put some work up for identities, review problems, and so on, but I make no promises.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Test # 2 Review

I was asked for more problems to practice in preparation for the test tomorrow.  See the following.  I will try to put some answers up tonight, but it will probably be late (and I've got to watch America's Got Talent!).

Word Problems

ITF Problems

Trig Graphs

Answers to Word Problems.                                  Answers to ITF
1.  2767.541 ft.                                                        1.  5/2root66
2.  9.462 degrees.                                                    2.  2/root85
3.  67.380 degrees.                                                  3.  (Root 11)/6
4.  (343, 206).                                                         4.  -(root 85)/6
5.  373.938 ft.                                                         5.  2/root 13
6.  33.690 degrees.                                                 6.  (Root 65)/9
7.  48.189 degrees.                                                 7.  3/4
8.  73.300 degrees.                                                 8.  1/root 10
9.  73.6 ft - ladder; 45.3 ft away.                           9.  (Root 15)/4
10.  10.757 degrees.                                              10.  -5/12
11.  687.270 miles
12.  5.196 ft
13.  19.471 & 70.529 degrees
15.  84.852 ft
16.  25.172 ft
17.  75.649 ft

22.  9.474 ft
23.  51.340 degrees
24.  30 ft
25.  36.869 degrees
26.  8.748 m
27.  9.375 ft
28.  29.054 degrees
29.  16.180 ft - height of bldg; 11.755 ft - distance from the bldg

32.  20 ft
33.  19.471 degrees

35.  200 ft
36.  89.99996 degrees

38.  16.699 degrees

40.  60 degrees
41.  112.583 in
42.  62.513 degrees
43.  18.870 ft
44.  31.382 ft

47.  30.963 degrees
48.  8.082 ft

Monday, September 9, 2013

More ITF and Graphing Practice

Students have asked me today for more practice (I love it!!!).  I said I'd put these up on the blog.  Read carefully...

Here is Inverse Trig Functions practice, as requested by 2nd period students.

Here is Trig Graphing practice, as requested by a 1st period student.

(If you turn in one of these, I will give you bonus on Monday's or Tuesday's quiz for each correct answer... Shhhhhhhh, don't tell, but tell people to look at the blog!)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

More Trig Graphs!

Here's a few more trig graphs to practice with one, two, or three transformations.  I will hopefully have some hard copies before the day is out, if you'd like to pick one up.

Friday, August 30, 2013

New Trig Graphs with 1 Transformation

This is a link to the graphs we worked on at the end of class today.  Please be comfortable with these by Tuesday so we can start graphing with multiple transformations.

Have a great 3-day weekend!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Test # 1 Reviews

Tomorrow, Tuesday, 8/27, is our first test in Math IV and Accelerated III.  Today in class we worked on a Test Review and a 20-problem graphing worksheet.  I believe I have successfully saved these worksheets in such a way that you can access the worksheets and the solutions (which are at the end of the document).  Feel free to check your work, and send me an email if you have questions.  I will likely be in access of my email most of the night.

Good luck in your studies.  Don't forget the Unit Circle!

Click here for the Test Review.

Click here for the Sine and Cosine Graph Worksheet.

Friday, August 23, 2013

"Finally, a blog post!"

Here's some more practice for sine and cosine graphing in preparation for Tuesday's test.  Look for the sine and cosine questions in the problem section at the end.   Don't worry; we'll get to tangent!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Math III Test # 6 Review

In class today (5/14) we worked on a review for our statistics test scheduled for Wednesday.  Here are my answers:

1) D
2) D
3) C
4) A
5) A
7) 94.16 %
8) 84 %
9) 129.97 minutes
10) 54.34 %
11) SKIP
12) SKIP
13) SKIP
14a) 11.9 %
14b) 9.69 %
14c) 9.51 %
14d) 1.16 %
14e) I said the Pumas, but I could see an argument for the Vikings
15) 70.23 %
16) 97 %
17) SKIP

Distribution Pages:

(Next page)
14) B
15) A
16) D
17) A
18) C
19) B
2) $ 0.35

1) Table: 1/36, 1/12, 5/36, 7/36, 1/4, 11/36
2) 4.472

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Math III Test Review

The answers to the review we worked on in class for our Math III Test tomorrow are posted here.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Tuesday Test Reviews

Printer issues are not allowing me to print the reviews I have planned for us to work on in class today in anticipation of the Math III and Accelerated III tests for Tuesday.  I am going to link them here, though my fear is you won't be able to open them without the Kuta software.  We shall see...

Math III Test # 4

Accelerated III Test # 5

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Inverses of Rational Functions

Here's a page with some practice on rational functions.  If you look in there you will find some inverse problems to practice.  Tweet or email if you have some questions in anticipation of tomorrow's quiz.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Disney's Holes - English/French/Spanish Widescreen DVDSignificance?

Here's a link to a good reference about, well, rational functions with, uhhh, you know...

Monday, March 11, 2013

3/11 Accelerated HW

We have started graphing rational expressions in Accelerated III.  Here is page 195 from the book.  1 - 6 have been graphed.  Determine the domain and find the asymptote   7 - 12 are matching   Match the equation with the graph.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Math III Midterm Review

Here are pictures of the midterm review we have worked on the past 3 days.  I hope this will help.  If you need more help with these or if it would help for me to put the answers out differently, let me know.

Here we go...

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6

Monday, March 4, 2013

Acc. III Test # 4 Review Problems

Here's what I have for answers to the problems we had on the board today in Accelerated III.

1) ( square root of 6 - square root of 2) / 4
2) Same as # 1
3) ( square root of 3) / 2
4) - 119 / 125
5) D = 47.0; F = 55.0; e = 21.4; Area = 140.1
6) H = 52; k = 12; h = 15; Area = 89.8
7) R = 54; S = 65; T = 61; Area = 305.9
8) q = 59; Q = 77; R = 49; Area = 1580.9
9) sin(a+b) = 56/65
cos(a-b) = 63/65
sin(2a) = 24/25
cos(2b) = - 119/169
sin(2a-b) = - 204/325

If you see errors or want further explanation, tweet or email me tonight.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Math III Test Review

This morning in second block we worked on a test review for our Circles and Ellipses test.  I worked some of the problems on the Mobi.  I hope you can find them here.

I will look for some review sites and try to post them here or on the Twitter account (@MrLewisNOHS) sometime this afternoon or tonight.

Remember: what is it I find important?  What do I ask everyday?

  • What are conic sections?
  • What are the four conic sections we are studying?
  • What is the general equation of all conic sections?
  • What is the standard form of the equation of a circle?
  • What is the standard form of the equation of an ellipse (both of them!)?
  • What is important to remember about a and b?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Standard to General (and vice versa!)

In 2nd today we worked with taking ellipses from standard form to general form and general form to standard form.  We did a few on the Mobi and they can be found here.

If you have trouble opening it up, let me know.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Trig Equations

Here is a shot of Page 400 from the Accelerated III textbook.  These are the problems we were working on in class today.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Fun with Trig Identities

First period Thursday, 2/7/2013, I wrote a lot of the solutions to the work we did in class, out of the book and on the worksheet, up on the computer.  I have attempted to save it and make it available here.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Math III Test # 1 Review

This morning in Math III we reviewed for our matrix test, which we will take Thursday, 1/24.  Here are the answers to the review packet.

1) A
2) C
3) A
4) C
5) D
6) B
7) x = 1, y = - 3
8) x = - 1, y = 1
9) A
10) D

For the matrices, I'm not sure how it will come across on the blog.  I will type it in as best as I can and I hope it will look alright.

11)   12     9      15
        8       6      10
        20    15     25

12)   - 10/38     - 6/38
        - 3/38        2/38

13)     14     - 24
          -18    - 2
         34      14

14)     - 1     - 3
         - 3/2    5

15)    5      - 42
        - 18     22
       - 23     26

16)  Can't be done

17)      1   0
           0   1

18)                               Addition      Multiplication
          Commutative         YES               NO
          Associative            YES              NO

19)         x = - 1 , y - - 5


Monday, January 14, 2013

Trig Graphing

PurpleMath is a great place to find info about math concepts.  Here's a link to graphing trig functions:

Here's trig graph paper I said I'd put up here:

The secret word is ...

The answer to the last problem in Math III today is ( - 3, 7 ).

Here is a link to some instruction on Cramer's Rule, if you would like to see more about it:

Here's some practice with determinants and Cramer's Rule.  I wouldn't go past # 17.:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Math Tournament!

If any Math Team members, or interested members, want to compete at a tournament in Americus, I need to know ASAP.  Contact me or Mrs. Phillips as soon as you can.  Here's a link to the tournament details: