
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Math Team Meeting

The next Math Team meeting is posted under the Math Team tab over there on the right.

Accelerated 3 Test Review Problems

Here are the problems I am going to give out in class tomorrow to review for the Test in Accelerated III on Friday, plus some extra verifying problems.  (Math IV would get some benefit of working on these, too.)




What a neat website!

Check out this website for practice problems, with solutions.  Stuff for all classes, particularly you Math IV and Accelerated III students!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Yesterday, I was actually asked for Law of Sines problems!  So, here you go...

I will also try to put some work up for identities, review problems, and so on, but I make no promises.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Test # 2 Review

I was asked for more problems to practice in preparation for the test tomorrow.  See the following.  I will try to put some answers up tonight, but it will probably be late (and I've got to watch America's Got Talent!).

Word Problems

ITF Problems

Trig Graphs

Answers to Word Problems.                                  Answers to ITF
1.  2767.541 ft.                                                        1.  5/2root66
2.  9.462 degrees.                                                    2.  2/root85
3.  67.380 degrees.                                                  3.  (Root 11)/6
4.  (343, 206).                                                         4.  -(root 85)/6
5.  373.938 ft.                                                         5.  2/root 13
6.  33.690 degrees.                                                 6.  (Root 65)/9
7.  48.189 degrees.                                                 7.  3/4
8.  73.300 degrees.                                                 8.  1/root 10
9.  73.6 ft - ladder; 45.3 ft away.                           9.  (Root 15)/4
10.  10.757 degrees.                                              10.  -5/12
11.  687.270 miles
12.  5.196 ft
13.  19.471 & 70.529 degrees
15.  84.852 ft
16.  25.172 ft
17.  75.649 ft

22.  9.474 ft
23.  51.340 degrees
24.  30 ft
25.  36.869 degrees
26.  8.748 m
27.  9.375 ft
28.  29.054 degrees
29.  16.180 ft - height of bldg; 11.755 ft - distance from the bldg

32.  20 ft
33.  19.471 degrees

35.  200 ft
36.  89.99996 degrees

38.  16.699 degrees

40.  60 degrees
41.  112.583 in
42.  62.513 degrees
43.  18.870 ft
44.  31.382 ft

47.  30.963 degrees
48.  8.082 ft

Monday, September 9, 2013

More ITF and Graphing Practice

Students have asked me today for more practice (I love it!!!).  I said I'd put these up on the blog.  Read carefully...

Here is Inverse Trig Functions practice, as requested by 2nd period students.

Here is Trig Graphing practice, as requested by a 1st period student.

(If you turn in one of these, I will give you bonus on Monday's or Tuesday's quiz for each correct answer... Shhhhhhhh, don't tell, but tell people to look at the blog!)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

More Trig Graphs!

Here's a few more trig graphs to practice with one, two, or three transformations.  I will hopefully have some hard copies before the day is out, if you'd like to pick one up.