
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

2-way Frequency Tables


Here are some places to find additional help with 2-way tables.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Textbooks (ever seen one in math?)

Yesterday in Accelerated Precalculus, we will pass out books for the students to use.

The state of Georgia has made some of their Georgia Virtual School on-line textbooks available.  This is a great resource with videos and examples.

Wednesday, 9/10/2014

This is what we did today:

Coordinate Algebra

3rd quiz of the semester, this time over Line of Best Fit.

We began a discussion on 2 way frequency tables.

Accelerated Precalculus

We worked on verifying trig identities.

Our homework was Pages 389-390, 11 - 17 & 41 - 51, all odd

Our 5th quiz will be on Thursday over simplifying trigonometric expressions.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Yesterday, I was out.  Coordinate Algebra worked on a quiz review and Accelerated Precalculus did some trig review problems from the book.

What happened today?

Coordinate Algebra
Mrs. Scaffe helped the class with a review for the quiz.  Tomorrow's quiz is over Lines of Best Fit.

Accelerated Precalculus

We worked with using the trig identities to simplify expressions.  Our homework, from our new books, is Page  382, 63-74.

Friday, September 5, 2014


Here's what Thursday looked like:

Coordinate Algebra:

We practiced Line of Best Fit some more.  We talked about whether correlation implies causation and the correlation coefficient.

Accelerated Precalculus:

We took our second test.  This test was over graphing transformations of trigonometric functions, solving inverse trig function problems, and word problems using right triangle trig.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Math Team Dates

Put these dates on your calendar:

Week of September 28: Math Madness Round 1 - likely during Titan Time, in the Math Lab

October 14 - Georgia Mathematics League Contest # 1 - likely during Titan Time, in Room 2209

November 8 - UGA Math Tournament - at UGA, usually in Miller Building, meet there at 8, awards ceremony at 1:30


Here is what Mr. Lewis's classes looked like on Wednesday, 9/3/2014:

Coordinate Algebra Support:

We looked at doing lines of best fit by hand.  We discussed what the slope and the y-intercepts mean in context.  We also discussed correlation and whether correlation always implies causation (the answer is no!).  We watched videos of a class developing data to use in order to find a line of best fit.  We then practiced on the homework from Tuesday.

Accelerated Precalculus:

We reviewed for our test, scheduled for Thursday.  Topics are: graphing trig functions; inverse trig functions; and, word problems.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Try this...

Second attempt to share review pics with you.

Not the world's greatest photos, but it's the Accel PC test review answers...

Displaying photo 1.JPG

Displaying photo 2.JPG

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sine & Cosine Graphs

Here are the graphs for the 32 problems we had in Accelerated Pre-Calculus today.

Remember, test is Wednesday.

Friday, August 15, 2014

STEM Trip to Coolray

For anyone going on the STEM Field Trip to Coolray Field, Mr. Lewis needs your permission forms an $ 10 by the end of the day on Monday.

Also, there are a few spots left for anyone who is interested in going.  See Mr. Lewis for details.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Thursday's Definitions

Here's something similar to what we discussed on the board Thursday in Acc. Pre-Calculus.

Vocabulary and Formulas:

An angle is in standard position when the vertex is at the origin and the initial side lies on the
positive side of the x-axis.

The ray that forms the initial side of the angle is rotated around the origin with the resulting ray
being called the terminal side of the angle.

An angle is positive when the location of the terminal side results from a counterclockwise
rotation. An angle is negative when the location of the terminal side results from a clockwise

Angles are called coterminal if they are in standard position and share the same terminal side
irregardless of the direction of rotation.

A reference angle is the angle formed between the terminal side of an angle in standard position
and the closest side of the x-axis. All reference angles measure between 0 and 90.

The unit circle is a circle with a radius of 1.

The radian is the length of the arc divided by the radius of the arc for a plane angle subtended by
a circular arc. As the ratio of two lengths, the radian is a "pure number" that needs no unit
symbol. The radian is a unit of angular measure defined such that an angle of one radian
subtended from the center of a unit circle produces an arc with arc length 1.

Answers for the chart from Friday

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

STEM Field Trips

The first STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Field Trip has been scheduled for 2014-2015.  We are looking for 20 students interested in the STEM fields to take on a trip to tour Coolray Field, home of the Gwinnett Braves.

Interested students need to see me.  It will cost $ 10.  The trip will be on Tuesday, August 19.  We will miss 4th block.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Summer/Fall Assignment for AP Computer Science

For those who need a little bit of extra exploration, or some diversion for the summer, or just a little bit of fun, go to this site and fool around with the different chatbots on this site.

If you think this is neat, you might like this article.

I hope you're having a good summer.  I am.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Tentative AP Review Schedule

Check back for any changes:

Tuesday, 4/22 - AM: MC
                         PM: FRQ

Wednesday, 4/23 - AM: MC

Friday, 4/25 - AM: FRQ

Monday, 4/28 - PM: FRQ

Tuesday, 4/29 - AM: MC
                         PM: FRQ

Wednesday, 4/30 - AM: MC

Friday, 5/2 - AM: FRQ
                    PM: MC

Saturday, 5/3 - 1:00 Practice Test

Monday, 5/5 - AM: Questions
                       PM: Last Minute Questions

Tuesday, 5/6 - The Big Day!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Test # 5 Review for Accelerated Math III

Answers to today's review in Accelerated III can be found below.  Don't forget to find some word problems to review, as well.

Monday, March 31, 2014

APCS Test # 5 Review stuff

I have made a folder in Drive for the Test 5 review materials, including the keys.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

APCS Quiz # 8 Free Response

//this method will return the sum of all even numbers(except 8) in array

public int evenSumMinusEight(int[] array)

   int sum=0;
   for(int i=0; i<array.length;i++)
   return sum;

Write the LotteryTicket method  search(), as started below.  search()  will receive an integer and determine if that integer is contained in the array instance variable numberList.

   Assuming numberList contains [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.10]

   The call search(34) would return false as  34 is not contained the list.
   The call search(3) would return true as  3 is contained the list.
   The call search(4) would return true as  4 is contained the list.

      /** @param val is a positive non-decimal value
      *                Precondition : val >= 1 and val <= 50
      *    @return true if val is contained in numberList
      *     @return false if val is not contained in numberList
   private boolean search(int val)
      for(int item : numberList)
         if(item == val)
            return true;
      return false;

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Assignments Update

There is an update in the Google Drive regarding everything that has been assigned throughout the semester in APCS.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Free Response Hint for Friday's APCS Quiz

//this method will return the number of numbers in array
//that are less than the number 20

public int lessThanTwentyCount(int[] array)

   int count=0;
   for(int spot=0; spot<array.length; spot++)

   return count;


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Accelerated III Test # 4 Review

Ms. Erwin has graciously made a solution guide for the test review you worked on in class today.  You can see it here.  She said that number 1 is different on the guide than on the answer sheet.

Test on Wednesday!

GSP File for Tuesday Accelerated III

Monday, March 10, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Accelerated III - URGENT!!!!!!!

Questions tomorrow will be asked
Under circumstances you are quite familiar with
 In a paper and pencil kind of format
Zeroes will not be tolerated!

Find sin (3A) if A is in Quadrant I and cos A = 3/5.  If you do this and give Mr. Lewis the answer, written down on paper, sticky note, etc., you can add 10 points to whatever it is we do on Friday...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

APCS Hint # 2

public void playGame()
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
int num = (int)(Math.random()*upperBound)+1, guess;
int guessCount=0;
  System.out.print("Enter a number between 1 and " + upperBound + " ");
   System.out.println("Number out of range!");
System.out.println("\nIt took " + guessCount + " guesses to guess " + num + " .");
double percent = (double)(guessCount-1)/upperBound;
System.out.println("You guessed wrong " + (int)(percent*100) + " percent of the time.\n\n");

Rock Paper Scissors


public RockPaperScissors(String player)
int choice = (int)(Math.random()*3);
case 0 : compChoice = "R"; break;
case 1 : compChoice = "P"; break;
case 2 : compChoice = "S"; break;

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Latest APCS Assignments

Here is what I believe are the up-to-date listings of the assignments for this semester in AP Computer Science.  Feel free to check off what you have done.  I am starting this process.

APCS Assignments

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

APCS Test # 3 Review

Apparently, I left off some review keys for the test.  I am now working on putting those in the Drive.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Acc III Test # 3 Review

Answers to the Test Review given out in class today are available here and here.  Remember: there are multiple ways to do these problems.

Trig Equations

Ms. Erwin made a key to the Trig Equations worksheet we worked on Friday and Monday.

Trig Equations Worksheet

Friday, February 14, 2014

APCS Make-up Work/Schedule


It's been nice to have a week off, and I have no idea how we will make up the days, but the AP exam is still May 6. So here's what we are going to do.

Tuesday, 2/17, we will have a work day in class, working on the labs for Lessons 8 & 9.  This past Monday, when I was out, I asked you to go through the Lesson 8 Power Point and work through the activities.  By Tuesday, I want you to have gone through the Lesson 8 and Lesson 9 Power Points and explore all of the activities.

Lesson 8 has one worksheet and Lesson 9 has 2 worksheets.  I am going to want this turned in or uploaded some time next week.  I will also tell you how many of the labs from Lessons 8 & 9 we will turn in.

Please be prepared for Tuesday by having the power points read and the activities within the power points explored.  We'll have further discussions of the schedule Tuesday.

Enjoy your Winter Break!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What does Mr. Lewis want us to turn in?

This has been the most asked question in Room 2204 this semester.  I think I have a list here of the assignments I have asked APCS students to turn in, up through Lesson 7.  If I have overlooked something, let me know.

I will start grading things and checking to see what people have turned in thus far.  See me if you have any questions.

Dates are when it was assigned and are very approximate.

PB&J Write-up - 1/8
Summer Assignment Definitions - 1/9
Lesson 1 Worksheets - 1/10
Lesson 2 Variable Worksheet - 1/13
Lesson 3 Input Worksheet - 1/14
Binary Worksheet - 1/15
Lesson 4: Smiley Face, Big House, Robot labs - 1/22
Quiz # 3 - 1/24
Lesson 5 Math/Calc Worksheets (2?) - 1/27
Lesson 6 Worksheet - 1/30
Lesson 6 - 2 of the 4 labs (MPH, Quadratic, Distance, Slope) - 1/30
Lesson 7 String Worksheet - 2/3
Lesson 7 Lab 04d (Name) - 2/3

Friday, January 17, 2014

For Accelerated III Students!

Email me a picture of you and a loved one.  Include in the email the name of said loved one.  Somewhere in the picture, include the answer to the question, "What is trigonometry?"  It can be on a sign, on a piece of paper, on a white board, on a computer screen, etc., but it must be evident in the picture.  If you do this to my satisfaction, there will be bonus points... (by 7 AM Tuesday morning)

PS: If you are not currently in my first block Accelerated III class and do the above anyway, you just may win my continued admiration ... and anything I might have on hand.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Accelerated III Test Review

UPDATE:  I made a mistake on how I saved this, so the link below won't work (and I have removed it).  If you would still like to see the answers and the questions, let me know and I will send them to you or make them available.

Here are the answers to the first 16 problems from today's Accelerated test review.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Review Questions & Answers

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Should be back up!

Sorry about that.  The summer assignment should be accessible on the site now, through Google Docs.

Monday, January 6, 2014


For those in class who were having problems getting the Java download, I have put the Java download in my outbox.  We have found some success 4th block using that.

APCS Summer Assignment


I see just how different the two Summer Assignments are.  Sorry about that.  I'm not sure how I did that.

Tomorrow's quiz will have 2 sides: one side will reflect the terms on the list I gave out to people (33 terms, algorithm - HTML) and the other side will reflect the terms on the NOHS website (30 terms, API - void).

Here's some links we found today: