
Friday, January 17, 2014

For Accelerated III Students!

Email me a picture of you and a loved one.  Include in the email the name of said loved one.  Somewhere in the picture, include the answer to the question, "What is trigonometry?"  It can be on a sign, on a piece of paper, on a white board, on a computer screen, etc., but it must be evident in the picture.  If you do this to my satisfaction, there will be bonus points... (by 7 AM Tuesday morning)

PS: If you are not currently in my first block Accelerated III class and do the above anyway, you just may win my continued admiration ... and anything I might have on hand.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Accelerated III Test Review

UPDATE:  I made a mistake on how I saved this, so the link below won't work (and I have removed it).  If you would still like to see the answers and the questions, let me know and I will send them to you or make them available.

Here are the answers to the first 16 problems from today's Accelerated test review.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Review Questions & Answers

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Should be back up!

Sorry about that.  The summer assignment should be accessible on the site now, through Google Docs.

Monday, January 6, 2014


For those in class who were having problems getting the Java download, I have put the Java download in my outbox.  We have found some success 4th block using that.

APCS Summer Assignment


I see just how different the two Summer Assignments are.  Sorry about that.  I'm not sure how I did that.

Tomorrow's quiz will have 2 sides: one side will reflect the terms on the list I gave out to people (33 terms, algorithm - HTML) and the other side will reflect the terms on the NOHS website (30 terms, API - void).

Here's some links we found today: