
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

APCS Test # 3 Review

Apparently, I left off some review keys for the test.  I am now working on putting those in the Drive.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Acc III Test # 3 Review

Answers to the Test Review given out in class today are available here and here.  Remember: there are multiple ways to do these problems.

Trig Equations

Ms. Erwin made a key to the Trig Equations worksheet we worked on Friday and Monday.

Trig Equations Worksheet

Friday, February 14, 2014

APCS Make-up Work/Schedule


It's been nice to have a week off, and I have no idea how we will make up the days, but the AP exam is still May 6. So here's what we are going to do.

Tuesday, 2/17, we will have a work day in class, working on the labs for Lessons 8 & 9.  This past Monday, when I was out, I asked you to go through the Lesson 8 Power Point and work through the activities.  By Tuesday, I want you to have gone through the Lesson 8 and Lesson 9 Power Points and explore all of the activities.

Lesson 8 has one worksheet and Lesson 9 has 2 worksheets.  I am going to want this turned in or uploaded some time next week.  I will also tell you how many of the labs from Lessons 8 & 9 we will turn in.

Please be prepared for Tuesday by having the power points read and the activities within the power points explored.  We'll have further discussions of the schedule Tuesday.

Enjoy your Winter Break!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What does Mr. Lewis want us to turn in?

This has been the most asked question in Room 2204 this semester.  I think I have a list here of the assignments I have asked APCS students to turn in, up through Lesson 7.  If I have overlooked something, let me know.

I will start grading things and checking to see what people have turned in thus far.  See me if you have any questions.

Dates are when it was assigned and are very approximate.

PB&J Write-up - 1/8
Summer Assignment Definitions - 1/9
Lesson 1 Worksheets - 1/10
Lesson 2 Variable Worksheet - 1/13
Lesson 3 Input Worksheet - 1/14
Binary Worksheet - 1/15
Lesson 4: Smiley Face, Big House, Robot labs - 1/22
Quiz # 3 - 1/24
Lesson 5 Math/Calc Worksheets (2?) - 1/27
Lesson 6 Worksheet - 1/30
Lesson 6 - 2 of the 4 labs (MPH, Quadratic, Distance, Slope) - 1/30
Lesson 7 String Worksheet - 2/3
Lesson 7 Lab 04d (Name) - 2/3