
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The End is Near!

On Friday, the two Analytic Geometry classes will take their "Sorta" Final.  Since we took the Milestones, and that accounts for 20 % of our grade, the students who are here Friday will take a test that can replace any of their scores on Tests 5 (Triangles), 6 (Probability), and 7 (Circles).  We have worked on old tests and a study guide the past two days, so hopefully everyone will have something to study.

Below are links to the review and the answers:

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Well, we survived the Milestones.  All 63 tests, including both sections, were completed on time yesterday.

Our itinerary in Analytic Geometry for the rest of the semester...

This week is the Hour of Code event.  We will work on different coding projects using laptops we borrow from the library on Friday and Monday.  Students will earn additional quiz grades based on the activities they complete.

Tuesday and Wednesday of next week we will review for the "Sorta Final."  This will cover the material from the second half of the semester, including triangles, probability, and circles.

Friday is the last day of the semester.  Students who come to class on Friday will take the "Sorta Final."  The grade on this cannot lower their score, but they could replace their scores for Tests 5, 6, and 7 depending on their score on the midterm.  Great opportunity for those with low scores or are in danger of failing.  Also, it is a great opportunity to pad our scores in anticipation of the Milestones results.  Many of us could use some room to breathe.

Friday, December 4, 2015

More AG Milestones Review

In the Commons Area today, we worked on a whole bunch of problems to prepare for the Milestones.  Below are two documents which contain all of the questions and answers.

Also, don't forget the Holiday Special!  Monday is the last day to give me USA Test Prep stuff.

Get some rest and do some studying this weekend!