
Friday, September 21, 2012

Trig Identities

Math 4 students have a test on Tuesday, September 25, over trigonometric identities and the Sum and Difference formulas.

I'm compiling a list of websites that might be helpful in getting extra practice for verifying identities.

As always, if you type in the name of the subject we are studying, the internet is full of incredible resources of all different types to help you in your mathematical journey!
This is a great site with several good examples and explanations into each step of the problem ( is a fantastic web site for looking up math stuff in general!)
Scroll to the bottom to see a few exercises and examples with buttons to press to see how the authors solved them (remember: you may do it a different way than someone else, but both solutions may be legitimate)
There are some good explanations, but scroll to pages 4 and 9 (especially 9) and you'll find some problems to work (along with solutions on another page)
This page has lots of multiple choice problems where you can check your answers.

With any of these, if you are stumped or don't understand the solution, email me ( or send me a Tweet (@MrLewisNOHS) and I will be glad to help you.  I will be at the football game Friday night and in and out most of the day Saturday, but I will try to get back to you as soon as I can (Twitter may be the best way to get me!).

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