
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

New blog update!

Ever since my three days out because of conferences, I have been working hard trying to get caught up and get tests and quizzes graded (the Analytic Geometry quiz is finally finished! Grades will be posted soon).  Sooooooo... I haven't updated the blog, as I'm sure you've noticed (if this is not your first visit here).

Here's a quick post, and then I'll get back to grading (AP Calculus Test right in front of me):

We still need posters in the room. One student took advantage of the previous opportunity and made a nice poster demonstrating how to find the equation of a circle.  Here's some more posters that we need:

  • one that shows the 52 cards in a standard deck
  • one that shows the 36 possible ways of rolling two dice
  • one that shows the definition of a derivative
  • one that shows all of our trig derivatives
  • one that shows our trig definitions
  • one that shows the quadratic formula
  • one that shows the different ways to solve quadratic equations
This is just a start, really, but I wish I had these to point out when we are talking about new stuff in class.  Any student who brings in a poster that covers one of these topics, or features any other topic we have covered this semester, will get 10 points added to their lowest test score.

Posters must be:
  • colorful
  • creative
  • mathematically correct
  • grammatically correct
Posters turned in after Tuesday, 11/10/2015, will be appreciated but will provide no reward.  So.... the clock is ticking!

(See Mr. Lewis for any further details or if you have any questions)

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